Joy & Pain

Joy and pain. It’s like sunshine and rain.  I think that was a song of sorts from the 80’s.  But I don’t really recall much more than that.  I am not an MC.  I am a very, very white girl.  And apparently so plain-vanilla that people cannot remember my name. 

This bugs me.  This irks me.  This makes me C-R-A-Z-Y. 

I’ve been called a lot of names in my life. Like Jezebel or Fireball Head.  And despite what you think, those were mean, not funny. My name starts with a “J” and I have red hair.  I guess you can’t expect too much more out of elementary school kids.  And I’ve probably been called some downright nasty things too.  But none of those get to me worse than “Joy”. 

Now Joy is a perfectly sweet and nice name.  But it isn’t my name.  My name isn’t anything remotely close to J-O-Y.  And this isn’t something that happens once in a while.  It happens all the time.  Usually by business people.  Often right after they have listened to my voice mail message that very clearly states my name.  And that irks me even more.  C’mon people.  Let’s brush up on our professionalism.  It shows that A) you just aren’t paying attention; and B) well…you aren’t paying attention.

Now of course I know that it is just that they are taking a little of my first name (like the first letter) and mixing it with a couple of letters from my last name.  But over, and over, and over again.  From seemingly unrelated individuals.  Weird. 

Maybe I should embrace it.  Kind of like a single-named celebrity.  Prince, Madonna, Elvis.  But “Joy – the pie mistress” just doesn’t fit me.

So what do you hate being called?

13 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    tickledred said,

    Hysterical or emotional.

    Makes no sense to me that when you have a point to make, although you might shed a few tears or raise your voice, that it is automatically assumed your brain cells disappear at that precise moment. Fortunately this doesn’t occur very often 🙂

    Get on those professionals about their poor manners in a work setting Pie Mistress.


  2. 3

    Mama said,

    As a child I was teased since I was ugly by being called Aphrodite (the goddess of beauty) or Beauty. It was hurtful. Now I am normally called Janet which is close to Janice. But at least they call me something. I think everyone has to deal with teasing.

  3. 5

    redheadkate said,

    I understand what you mean. Officially, I am Katherine, but have been Kate since the moment I was born. It annoys me to no end when I have introduced myself as Kate, then then people still call me Katherine or even worse Katie!

  4. 7

    Mommy x4 said,

    My name is not PAT !!!!!! All my life I have been telling people. Somehow no one ever hears. One person called me Pat for 6 years. My name is not PAT !!!

  5. 8

    Prissy Priscilla said,

    Hate being called CAROL- for the love of pete… do not call me CAROL!!! 🙂

  6. 10

    Bekah said,

    I can completely relate… My name is Rebekah. Although, I go by Rebekah or Bekah. Love my name! However, my name IS NOT Becky!!!! I hate it when people call me that!
    Love you, my allstar of a big sister! XOXO

    • 11

      Bekah said,

      Furthermore, close friends of ours that have known me for AT LEAST 25 years, still to this day fail to SPELL my name correctly. You know who you are “Prissy Priscilla”. 🙂

  7. 13

    Prissy Priscilla said,

    Both of you- Becca- and Jessie’s girl.. can um.. yes.. well.. bite me 🙂 Much love..

    “carol” 🙂

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